Leadership and Research Management (LRM2022)
IRRI Education Courses
Leadership and Research Management (LRM2022)
Course Description Leadership and management are necessary for any research initiative. Leaders must be able to recognize their responsibilities and the key resources they need in order to build a successful research enterprise. The course...
DA-IRRI: Water Management in Rice-based Systems
IRRI Education Courses
DA-IRRI: Water Management in Rice-based Systems
Water is centric to life and plays a significant role in agriculture. In this module, you will know more about the significance of water to rice production, its current challenges, and different water management techniques. As demand for water...
Driving Sustainable Rice Cultivation: SRP Certification
IRRI Education Courses
Driving Sustainable Rice Cultivation: SRP Certification
The Sustainable Rice Platform (SRP) Standard for Sustainable Rice Cultivation is the world’s first voluntary sustainability standard for rice. The aim is to promote resource efficiency and sustainability in the global rice sector: with more...
Geospatial Analytics Using R Course
IRRI Education Courses
Geospatial Analytics Using R Course
The aim of this course is to demonstrate and teach geospatial analytics using R, an open-source programming language for statistical computing. Course Objectives - After the training program, the participants must be able to: - Analyze the...
Laser Land Leveling [E-Learning]
IRRI Education Courses
Laser Land Leveling [E-Learning]
Poor land consolidation, insufficient mechanization including lack of precision land leveling, and inefficient use of agronomic inputs are some of the major challenges in rice production. Significant sloping in rice lands (a slope >0.03% or more...
Practical Continuous Improvement
IRRI Education Courses
Practical Continuous Improvement
This course is designed to introduce a continuous improvement way of thinking by learning the Lean Improvement methodology. In about 10 hours of experiential learning, the participant will examine and practice the continuous improvement methods...
Quality Seed Production (ISARC)
IRRI Education Courses
Quality Seed Production (ISARC)
Quality seed is the foundation of successful rice farming. In this course, the participants will discover the characteristics of quality seed and why using quality seed is the secret to improving rice harvest. The course is about rice seed...
Quality Seed Production (RSSP Cambodia)
IRRI Education Courses
Quality Seed Production (RSSP Cambodia)
Quality seed is the foundation of successful rice farming. In this course, the participants will discover the characteristics of quality seed and why using quality seed is the secret to improving rice harvest. The course is about rice seed...
RDA - Advanced Rice Production
IRRI Education Courses
RDA - Advanced Rice Production
Welcome! This is the virtual classroom of the Advanced Rice Production course. Please complete the daily assignment (Concept Bank) found below. The Concept Bank is where you share your key learning takeaways and reflections from the online...
SRP Certification Exam - Vietnam
IRRI Education Courses
SRP Certification Exam - Vietnam
Tập huấn được ủy quyền của Nền Tảng Lúa Gạo Bền Vững (SRP) Thúc đẩy Sản Xuất Lúa Bền Vững: Hiểu về Tiêu chuẩn SRP và các Chỉ số SRP.

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