IRRI Education Courses

Quality Seed Production (ISARC)

Quality seed is the foundation of successful rice farming. In this course, the participants will discover the characteristics of quality seed and why using quality seed is the secret to improving rice harvest.

The course is about rice seed production: it assumes that the learner is familiar with the production and post-production of a rice crop. The purpose of this course is to provide the knowledge and skills necessary to select, produce, and handle seed in a manner that guarantees quality.
  • Pre-Training: Situationer - Rice Production in India
  • Pre-Training: Steps to Successful Rice Production
  • Module 1: Seed Production Planning and Crop Calendar
  • Module 2: Land Preparation and Leveling
  • Module 3: Nursery Management
  • Module 4: Rice Crop Establishment
  • Module 5: Crop Management (Water Management)
  • Module 6: Crop Management (Nutrient Management)
  • Module 7: Crop Management (Pest Management)
  • Module 8A: Crop Management (Rice Insects Management)
  • Module 8B: Crop Management (Golden Apple Snails and Rodent Management)
  • Module 9: Crop Management (Disease Management)
  • Module 10: Harvest Management
  • Module 11: Post-Harvest Management
  • Module 12: Value Chain Development
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed