Water Management Micromodule
IRRI Micromodules
Water Management
Water Management Micromodule
Water is a crucial component in agricultural productivity and contributes to food security. As the population increases, more food needs to be produced; thus, more water will be used. With the current practice, 35% of the water used in agriculture...
Water Management: In Season Micromodule
IRRI Micromodules
Water Management
Water Management: In Season Micromodule
Water is a crucial component in agricultural productivity and contributes to food security. As the population increases, more food needs to be produced; thus, more water will be used. With the current practice, 35% of the water used in agriculture...
Water Management: Pre Season Micromodule
IRRI Micromodules
Water Management
Water Management: Pre Season Micromodule
Water is a crucial component in agricultural productivity and contributes to food security. As the population increases, more food needs to be produced; thus, more water will be used. With the current practice, 35% of the water used in agriculture...

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